Achievements may add more confident to an individual, but failure to achieve might destroy one's self-esteem. Dealing with achievement might be easy, contrary in dealing with failures. Failures lessen self confidence, destroy self motivation, and affect an individual's character.
Failure is an absence of expected action or performance, in other words, failure in achieving something or one's goal. It might be difficult to face failures, or to accept its reality, but letting yourself to be affected with failures will lead to total destruction.
There is a saying that "Failure to prepare is preparing yourself to fail”. This idea might be the reason why we experience failures. If we are aiming for something we must give our full commitment. We must exert effort and learn to sacrifice. There is no such thing as easy in this world. Hard work together with faith to our God is the best key to success.
Failures might cause pain, but pain always produces endurance, if we face it positively. I believe that all things are created for a reason. Failure might exist to teach us lessons, to remind us to humble ourselves, and to awake us in our wrong motives.
Failure is an absence of expected action or performance, in other words, failure in achieving something or one's goal. It might be difficult to face failures, or to accept its reality, but letting yourself to be affected with failures will lead to total destruction.
There is a saying that "Failure to prepare is preparing yourself to fail”. This idea might be the reason why we experience failures. If we are aiming for something we must give our full commitment. We must exert effort and learn to sacrifice. There is no such thing as easy in this world. Hard work together with faith to our God is the best key to success.
Failures might cause pain, but pain always produces endurance, if we face it positively. I believe that all things are created for a reason. Failure might exist to teach us lessons, to remind us to humble ourselves, and to awake us in our wrong motives.